Kevin: That's a neat method to prepare it. Weston Price was a dentist so let's discuss teeth. And let's talk by what happens when people's teeth begin to decay. Can you rebuild those and what do you consider some of the reasons why their teeth were so great, the cultures who were consuming a non-Western diet? Sally: Nicely their teeth were normal. I don't even prefer to use the word "good"; they're the way teeth are said to be. They were normal. A key nutrient here's vitamin K. Now Dr. Price didn't understand what this vitamin was, he known as it activator X, but we now have identified it pretty firmly because vitamin K and we know that those who have a lot of vitamin K within their saliva don't get cavities. And vitamin K is completely necessary for putting calcium within the teeth and bones, calcium as well as phosphorus. You need vitamin K for your, more than just for wholesome blood. We now realize you'll need vitamin K for healthy the teeth and bones. Where do all of us find vitamin K? Well we think it is in the animal fats associated with grass fed animals, we think it is in liver, and we think it is in egg yolks of lawn fed chickens. Cheese is loaded with vitamin K. And there really are a couple surprising sources of supplement K. One is nato, the industry fermented soy product. Vitamin K is done by a special type associated with fermentation. So in Asia where they are not eating butter -- incidentally butter is a great supply of vitamin K -- where they're refusing to eat butter and cheese, they get lots of vitamin K from this special fermented soy product they eat in small amounts. And this is exactly why we say... we really be eligible our warnings about soy. We warn from the modern soy products but within Asia, in the context of their diet and how they prepare the soy, it is definitely an extremely important component of this diet, very healthy component. And just getting to the tooth decay. Dr. Price had a technique for treating tooth decay which worked, that stopped the decay and also reversed the decay, helped the actual tooth rebuild. And it was a mix of high vitamin cod liver essential oil and high vitamin butter essential oil. The butter oil was produced by centrifuging butter that came through cows eating rapidly growing green grass and also the oil concentrated the X element, the vitamin K. And when he gave this particular to people and got them off all of the sugar and everything their the teeth rebuilt themselves, the re-healed on their own. We've had lots of individuals tell us they've done the same. Kevin: Really? How high of the oil? Sally: Well we're saying a half a teaspoon to some teaspoon a day. Dr. Cost actually
administered it in drops underneath the tongue, alternating drops of the vitamin oil and also the cod liver oil. But you realize the other thing that he was worried about was dental deformities. You need to ask yourself why all these types of children today need braces. Why are their teeth arriving crooked? It's not genetic, it isn't because they suck their thumbs, it isn't because they eat soft meals, it's because of nutrition. It is because they don't have the right building materials to construct a large wide palate for that teeth to come in directly. And I actually proved which with my reckless experiment upon my children, none of them needed braces so I had much more money to spend on good food than shelling out for the orthodontist. And that's astonishing because I needed braces. So we could reverse that trend with the best nutrition. Kevin: Now my personal question is, you may or might not know the answer to this particular, if you have had braces, if you have had your wisdom teeth drawn, is there any salvation for you personally? Sally: Yes, I'm for the reason that category. I had braces, I possess a narrow face and I experienced wisdom teeth pulled and We was the allergy kid, I'd lots of health problems. I've gone on this diet plan and my allergies have eliminated away and I have much more energy and I haven't gotten cavities in a long time but my wisdom teeth did not grow back. And my taste buds is narrow. After a certain point you cannot go back. And actually the palate is actually formed in utero and within the first years of life so that's whenever a very nutrient dense diet is really crucial and, in fact, the traditional cultures understood which and fed special foods to women and men before conception and then towards the women during pregnancy and in order to growing children. Kevin: A person mentioned rebuilding teeth. Is that eliminating cavities that are there? Could it be building back enamel? Sally: Teeth enamel can grow back. We've had people with black cavities within their teeth who did what we recommended and also the tooth ache goes away and then they say a couple weeks later this black piece falls out and also the hole is filled. It's incredible, isn't it? And you understand when Dr. Price first do this, and even today, dentists will let you know can't heal tooth and however we've seen it done. Kevin: It does not make any sense because you are able to heal a bone. So a person break a bone, you may heal it, why can't a person heal a tooth? Sally: Nicely, of course what the tooth does is type of fill in whereas the bone fragments re-knits. But yeah, it's very amazing. Kevin: I possess a question for you here. Somebody asks, "How do you deal with the confusion about diet? " What's a means that someone can be comfortable when all this information has been put on them, "this is actually right, this is right, this really is wrong, someone just said this really is right"... how does someone cope with that? Sally: I know and it is quite interesting to me whenever people first hear about our work there is a certain percentage that kind of digest it immediately and that is it, they never look back again. And they're never confused or even afraid again. It just all all comes together for them. But we have others who say, "You're just 1 opinion, " and so continue being pulled in different directions about the diet and I don't know what it is that makes the difference in the way you accept what we're putting available. All I can say is which i would strongly urge someone who's confused to become a member and get our diary; we have a section from the journal called Caustic Commentary where we discuss all the studies coming away and what's being said regarding them and what the studies really show and so on. It keeps you up- to-date on many of these controversies. So I would recommend reading everything part of our website. All of us reference everything; so hopefully, if you are not convinced in your stomach immediately, eventually your brain will convince you from just all the details we put before you. I'd certainly recommend carefully reading the little dietary guidelines booklet and find out if that makes sense for you. It's all bullet points and numbered points therefore it is kind of easy to take. Kevin: To start the actual Weston A. Price Foundation, it should have really hit you pretty difficult. Sally: Yeah. I'd a lot rather stay home and prepare and do leisure activities however Dr. Enig and I, Doctor. Enig's my colleague and co-author, we just looked over each other and said, "Who's going to get this done if we don't do this particular? " Somebody had to get it done because otherwise we were facing a complete disaster. And fortunately a small part of the population has listened to us and it has followed the recommendations when these were pregnant and given birth in order to these beautiful healthy babies. Maybe that's generate an income should answer the question that you simply asked before, go onto our website and appear at our babies and if that does not convince you that this is the proper way to go then probably nothing may because these babies look so not the same as the typical modern baby. They've beautiful round faces and great skin, they don't have groups under their eyes, they are normal in most respect, they talk early, these people walk early, they're just vibrant sparks. And the letters of thanks and gratitude that people get from the parents, that is what keeps us going; that's what helps us work 26 hours each day, day after day.
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- Feb 06 Mon 2012 15:17
Nutrition and Dental Health Connections and Suggestions