Variable Power Supplies can be found in Linear and Switched Setting formats from 30W as much as 32kW, and in table top or 19" stand mounting styles. Most units have analogue manage of voltage and present values as standard enabling the consumer to set the voltage level and also the current limit remotely, and gives the option for serial communications to some host device using IEE488. two, GPIB, RS232, RS485 or even USB. Variable Power Supplies are also called Programmable Power Supplies, Lab Power Supplies or Table Power Supplies. Essentially these terms describe exactly the same equipment and refer to a device which may be plugged into the AIR CONDITIONING mains and produces a completely controllable yet variable dc voltage. For many applications (for instance in research and development) there's also a need for parameters to become limited so the present limit on these units can also be controllable, as well as additional overvoltage protection to avoid the voltage being unintentionally increased beyond a established level. These units are used in a number of applications and industries, such as; universities and educational institutions, research and development, laboratories, auto, space technology, aerospace, essential oil exploration, renewable energy, consumer electronics, and production testing in several other industries. A typical application is automatic check engineering (ATE) where these types of variable power supplies tend to be rack mounted in 19" cupboards, controlled by an automated program after which monitored remotely so the data for the items under test could be logged for pass/fail choices and for future research. Remote control options symbolizing 0-100% of voltage or even current range include 0-5Vdc, 0-10Vdc, 0-20mA, 4-20mA or even resistance programming. Many different serial handheld remote control options exist but for make sure measurement applications the most often used is GPIB/IEEE488. 2 while using LabVIEW driver, as it's become almost a default regular within many laboratory conditions. Using this system as much as 31 devices can end up being controlled or monitored from the single controller. The beauty from the units available is the sheer quantity of variations that are available. Many different voltage and current ranges can be found from low voltages of 0-6Vdc to units offering 0-1000Vdc. The present ranges are also scalable from the few amps up to 0-600A meaning there's almost always a appropriate solution available. In addition towards the standard models we may also offer ruggedised versions associated with some units, so for applications where vibration might be an issue (if the system is mounted on an automobile for example) we can offer a more suited answer.

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