She's smart, beautiful, has an excellent job, dresses like she ought to be on the cover of the magazine, and has the body to accompany it. Yet, she's has absolutely no luck with men. Why would someone who's successful at presenting themselves towards the world and successful at their own career, not be successful along with dating men? Well, it all starts with the actual "tape recorder" Sandra plays for herself the moment she rises. "Oh great, another depressing cold morning and I'm on my own. Oh, look at those horrible fools in love. They help to make me sick. Why can't I obtain a boyfriend? Why can't I obtain a boyfriend? Why don't I possess a boyfriend? Am I ever likely to meet a nice guy? How come Sally, Joan, and Lisa possess a boyfriend, and I'm stuck manless? "It does not stop there. It's Friday night and Sandra has gone out with her friends. Everyone else seems to be enjoying themselves, yet Sandra is miserable. She doesn't such as the club, all the men tend to be ugly, the music "sucks", and those that approached her were "below the woman's standards". Luckily, the night wasn't an overall total disaster. She meets a man named Sam. The next couple of days Sandra's "tape recorder" goes such as this, "Wow, I really like Mike. I wonder if he's likely to call me. Why hasn't he or she texted me? It's already been twelve hours since i have met him, and still absolutely no call. Thirty-six hours and nevertheless no word from Sam. We knew it. He wasn't likely to call. Great, three days but still no Sam. He doesn't such as me. Men just don't such as me... "To Sandra's surprise, Sam did call that third day at night. Turns out, he had been away on the business trip. He tells Sandra that he need to get to know her and they arrange to visit out on a date. A couple of dates later, Sandra is in love and wondering if Sam may be the one. She can't stop considering that magical kiss they discussed. She's so excited that your woman can't help herself from texting Sam just how much she likes him. To Sandra's shock, Sam hasn't been too attentive to her messages. Sandra starts in order to panic. She calls Sally, Joan, as well as Lisa and her "tape recorder" begins again, "Sam's not calling me personally. It's already been two times! I don't know what to complete here! I am freaking away!!! Why isn't he calling me personally back? I've sent him twenty texts and I haven't heard through him. I even called him or her and left three voicemails, 1 at his job, and 2 on his cell. I do not get it. Everything was perfect upon our last date. We shared the very best kiss ever that night. I understand he's the one for me personally. I've never felt this kind of connection before. I even told Sam I couldn't await him to meet my mother and father. Just don't get what proceeded to go wrong. Is it possible We scared him away? "Sam in no way calls Sandra. It's Saturday early morning and Sandra's "tape recorder" begins again, "Oh great, another depressing cold morning and I'm on my own... "The moral of the tale: "Change your thoughts, and a person change your world. " -Norman Vincent Peale

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