Cleaning Barber Clippers regularly is a must in order that it will always perform as preferred. When a clipper doesn't perform really well it may be because of two factors. First factor is it may need some oiling. Clippers needs oiling at least one time a week for it to do well. One reason is that some hair get stuck between the clipper blades. Another factor is that it might be sleeping around for some time and is not used for a while resulting for many rust to appear and affect the performance from the blade. When these two points happen, you need to clean this by first loosening and removing the screws that contain the clipper blade and then obtain a bowl of isoprophyl alcohol and dip the blade towards the bowl of alcohol. Afterward, be sure you wipe off the blade really good to ensure there's no more rust left in your blade. Your blade may also need some sharpening so you should utilize a sharpening stone. Sharpening gemstones can usually be bought within barber specialty stores or elegance stores. Sally's Beauty shops may have such Sharpening Stones which you can use in sharpening your own barber clippers. You may also opt for professional sharpening though if you have a cheap blade, this is probably not advisable. If you're using a costly blade, professional sharpening might be your best option for you. To avoid hassle, it would be best should you clean your barber clippers regularly and do not wait for your blades or even clippers to malfunction before behaving. Remember that prevention is always much better than solution. Clean your barber clippers frequently.

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