"When do your kids return to school? The end of July? Oh, that's too bad. That is so early. "That's so earlier! I look at my older neighbor with her white hair reflecting the sun's rays like an early halo. The woman's compassion is well-meant, but misdirected. Has she seen my home? After driving my daughter to school on her first half-day back, I re-enter the home like a soldier exhausted from the never-ending bombardment. The scene before me plays out such as the aftermath of a violent windstorm. The area is silent, and the eeriness lingers. How did Steven's soccer shoe wind up on the buffet? Did Brendan eat and leave that popsicle stick about the sofa? Were the newspapers being recycled about the back of the piano? In whose windbreaker is that? It wouldn't fit anyone with this house. I don't rush to wash, instead enjoying the solitude. In the event that my mother-in-law could see me personally now, she might think I'd joined a catatonic state and would encourage me to obtain medical help. Certainly a woman who allows her home become this far gone must have to talk to somebody. And one thing's without a doubt - a woman who doesn't set you back a dirty sink full associated with dishes - pronto - does not have her priorities straight. The quiet is deafening, yet beautiful. I move the cat to sit within the LA-Z-BOY, and I lean my return. I listen to the peaceful and breathe it in like a classical piece that isn't meant to be interrupted. BRRRRRRNGGG. I'm jerked from my early retirement. "Mom, I forgot my notebook that's said to be for Science. Can you come and take it? And could you stop in the store 'cuz I forgot we have gotta have six boxes of Kleenex to provide to the teacher! "The math wheels during my head spring into action. 12 minute drive to school, plus eight minutes available plus seven minutes in college, plus the ride back subtracted from merely a half day! I grab the keys towards the minivan and take one last take a look at my Disneyland of Dishevelment. A project for a later date.

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